Today (28th October) is the 6th month anniversary of The Legend of Circe: Circe’s Awakening from Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd being published. At lot has happened in those six months and to celebrate I am going to share six fun facts about my book.
1. Circe is based of one of my Yu-Gi-Oh! OC’s also called Circe Goodwin, they look the same barring the eyes and the original version had both parents, siblings and was a budding journalist.
2. Princess Edelgard is named after Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem Three Houses and her middle name is of course from Princess Zelda of the Legend of Zelda series. They are two of my favourite video game ladies and in-universe King Brian loves Video Games so of course he would name his daughter after video game characters.
3. In Chapter 3 the Guardsmen while talking with Professor Fargo and Hex Queen about the theft of the Blade of Balor, they mention “the Rathdaggan incident with that breaded idiot” this is a reference to Scarenthood by Nick Roche and Chris O’ Halloran
4. Circe’s learning of her adoption was the first thing I wrote for this book. It was a test of whether I could write it and if I would get invested in Circe. I did and here we are.
5. The program that Circe and her dad watch at the end of Chapter 3 which is “a popular program that her dad had watched when he was a child with aliens that had made a comeback” is The Den. The Aliens are Zig and Zag.
6. At the time of writing I had worked in two places St Patrick's Gateway Centre and Garter Lane Arts Centre, both get into the book. The Blaa Box where Circe and Alex eat in Chapter 2 is inspired by St. Patrick’s Gateway Centre, while Garter Lane is where Circe and Alex go to watch the movie in Chapter 4 (The movie in question is A Night to Remember.).
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