Circe Goodwin - Fact File

Full Name: Circe Summer Goodwin
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 21st June
Occupation: Hero in Training
Hometown: Sunsport
Family: David Goodwin – Adoptive Father. Classified - Biological Mother. Classified – Biological Father
Hair: Ash-Blonde
Eye: Fuchsia – Formerly Green
Favourite Food: Banoffee Pie
Interests: History, Drawing, Writing.
Profile: An ordinary teenager until her powers awakened following an encounter with the gang known as the Puff Adders. She was adopted by David Goodwin, after being mysterious abandoned at St. Declan’s Castle. Has undergone Basic Hero Training at Sunsport Super School to learn more about her powers. Kind and compassionate, has shown a willingness to do the right thing, even at the risk of her own safety.
Powers: Able to fire Fuchsia Coloured energy blasts from her hands, which only damage anything she deems a threat to her or innocent people. Can see invisible objects and even see through holographic projections. Can see the future, but she has not control over this power and it until activates in the form of dreams and nightmares. By saying the word “Athrú” she can magically summon her costume which is stab and bulletproof. In this form she has better control over her powers.

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